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I'm alive in uterine// a star in the dark a new day has dawned// open up and let it flow... I'll make it yours so here we go...

Friday, May 30, 2014


Tomorrow is the Pride March here in ABQ...
I'm going, and I am gonna have fun. Yes, I will.
I will!

I have been to one other Pride March, in Cleveland... Do I still have pics from then?
Only one I could find.

I hope to have as much fun this time.
The Old Lady Lesbian's float made me choked up a lil' lol....

Thursday, May 29, 2014

"I don't know."

My newest addition to my cool-awesome-amazing t-shirt collection.
I am expecting the Bruce Lee one in the mail any day now. Oh yes.

I had my second therapy session yesterday, and found I had nothing to say. How was your week? fine. I've been feeling kinda down lately. Why? ...I don't know. I start to cry. Why are you crying? I don't know. I don't know. I suck at therapy.

"I don't know" was an answer repeated many times in this session. Because, quite frankly, I am at the stage in my recovery where I no longer hide from my moods and skew them/control them with awesome drugs. Ok, not awesome. You can tell I have been having some trouble lately in the cravings-portion of this, but that's another story. So, no drugs means weird feelings, out of no where, all the time. And I have no idea, AT ALL, where they come from or why they come. They just do. 

I will have my 6-months key-tag on July 7th... 39 days away... I hope to make it there. I'm pretty confident I will. I have yet to make friends with a user here in New Mexico, I think I'm safe. Never buy from a stranger off the street. Never never.

- * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * -

I want to talk about My Lui, because she has been having problems lately, with life, with people. She is a transgendered woman who is so early in the process of changing that she still looks like a man and has me call her "he" and Lui instead of Lulu, which I am told she will be switching to later on. This is hard shit for me, I hate change in general and this is a whopper, but I have never met anyone like her, so I am determined to try my best to stick it out. From now on in this blog I will use the pronoun "he" because it is less confusing for me. He said I could post a pic of him here. My Lui:


Beautiful. Damaged, scarred... mistreated by the people he should have been able to trust the most, his family. And I love him more then anything in this world. He has been there for me through the good the bad and the ugly. He can calm me down when I have a panic attack. He makes me feel safe and he makes me feel loved and he makes me feel beautiful, not easy things to do for me, really.

OH! I forgot I have to finish his PJ pants! I am making him Batman pjs. I think I will go do that now before I forget. Have a peaceful and intriguing day, everyone. LOVE.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Today, I am feeling the weight lift off! I skipped therapy on Wednesday and my sponsor is in Tahoe with her daughter who just gave birth. I went this one alone, and made it through to the other side. I just had to wait, and not do anything... rash?

Not much point to this entry except to say things are getting better.
I felt like I needed to write that, I guess.

Friday, May 23, 2014

According to Plan

forgive the make-up free face please...

Not everything goes this way. According to plan, that is. I woke up this morning already half into a panic attack, so news, everything about yesterday's mood swing did not fix itself over night. Poo. Sometimes it does. A lot of times, actually. But I had some wicked insomnia last night, and this morning was bad like yesterday. It started that way at least.

Then it thunder-stormed. I don't know if you know anything about New Mexico weather but this is incredibly rare. Torrential rain for about 2 minutes, then sunshine bright like it never happened. Then torrential rain again, thunder and all, and drizzles remained for at least 20 minutes after that. Something in me sensed the cracklings going on outside and set me off. As soon as the storm stopped, I felt... better. This used to happen a lot more in Cleveland, where weather weirdness was more normal. It's like, my brains go all crackly until the storm and rain erupt to let the static out. And some of the static did get let out...

So, I decided to make a small tiny adventure and walk to the theater to see the new X-Men with Lui. (It was.. eh. ok. not terrible.) And when we got home he put this tiara on my head, called me a queen, and gave me a kiss. On such a shit mood swing, this made my freaking day. He will never know how much I love him. It is impossible to put into words. If it weren't for him i would most certainly be dead, but that's a post for another day. Just know it: Love saves lives. <3

3 years ago...
and, somehow, still going strong.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Today, I failed.
It's crushing me. I can't think straight.
Can't put the words together right.
The words just... don't fit.

I am so sad. And scared, of everything...
All I can do today is watch crap television and try not to think too much.

These days the swings don't usually last long, though. Today, I survive. Tomorrow maybe more. I am trying very hard not to turn this entry into an emo stream of whining... ha... I better go before it stops working.

I am too old for this shit.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Body (or not) Dysmorphia


So I have this. And it is a major pain in the ass. When I was younger, and didn't think I had this problem... I was pretty sure what I saw in the mirror or in pictures was just how I was, I was convinced I was the ugliest person on the planet. In my teens, I read about BDD in my (overly) extensive research into eating disorders. Yes, I was bulimic (in recovery now), but unlike most people with an eating disorder, I didn't see myself as fatter then I really was. I always had a pretty good view of the reality of my body. When I got too thin, I could see it, and I didn't have the urge to keep getting thinner, so I didn't think I had BDD. Only now, a decade later, do I realize I have had it all along, but not with my body. With my face.

Sometimes I look in the mirror, and for a fleeting instant, I see a regular woman...but then it changes. Deep folds appear around my mouth, my acne scars turn into horrid pits... My eyes recede into my skull and an ogre appears where I was a second ago. I am a monster, and I don't see how I could be anything but. Sometimes it isn't like this. That is what keeps me sane, to an extent. The fact that what I see changes day-to-day, or even in seconds, is proof positive that I can.not.trust what I am seeing.

So I close the mirror.
I try to block myself in pictures.
I just don't want to face it.

And if I ignore it long enough, it goes away a little. I can forget my face, and just live.

This guy, Leo Babauta (great blog) is doing this thing, this month-without thing. This month he is trying to go without eating tasty foods (CRAZY!) lol, but I see where he is coming from. And for a slightly different reason, I am going to go without mirrors for the rest of this month. I may need a few make-up days at the beginning of June, otherwise I would throw it in there too. Fuck the mirror. I am a mind-fuck. Wish me luck <3

Monday, May 19, 2014

Mornings, an effort.

I am trying to fill my mornings with happy things, joyous things, nourishing things. This morning I woke up and had sex, first thing, which was a nice little wake up... (evil grin) I am bleeding pretty bad, so it wasn't very pretty but my Lui didn't seem to mind. At least not too much. He stopped before he finished, I wouldn't have blamed him if it was the blood but he said it was that his head wouldn't stop spinning. Both acceptable answers.

Next I did a half-hour power yoga class online with this chick, Ali Kamenova, on youtube. Here is her pic, and a link to her youtube site.

Oh yeah, did I mention she is super hot?
That helps with sticking through her torture sessions.

So yes, um, before distractions, good mornings. Now i am going to have a breakfast of blueberries and coffee, and then walk to the gym.

So. A good morning:
Sex, yes please.
Walks in the New Mexico sun.

(And meds, mustn't forget meds.)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

I figure, if there is any day I can go balls to the walls and eat whatever the fuck I want, it's the first day of my period. (which is today)

Tell me I'm wrong.
No don't!

Someone suggested I try to meditate through the pain. Hmm.
You know what? I think I will. Try.
Maybe not.
I am such a hot mess.

Ouch :(

Saturday, May 17, 2014

To begin in the middle.

I don't do much with Life, right now. I go to therapy. I go to the gym. I go on walks in the sun. I try (sort of) to make it to NA meetings, but they leave me feeling empty and alone, and scared, and so I avoid them when I can. I take joy where I can find it, in good coffee, the love of my friends. The smell of mornings, when the sun hasn't baked the dirt yet, and everything is clean.

And my Lui. I am nothing without my Lui.

But I want so much more than this. I want to support myself, and not live off SSI. I want to get my illness under control. I want to work, and make friends, and stop all these destructive behaviors I have amassed over the years. Bulimia. Self mutilation. Obsession. Destruction.

But out of destruction comes creation, right? The endless cycle of destruction, creation, destruction, creation. Change is inevitable, and as much as I would like to say it starts today, it has already started. I will flourish in this world, in this Life. I will find my peace, and I will do what I am meant to. Everybody does, eventually.

My therapist is a kind and sympathetic woman, very young, but I trust her so far. She says we don't have to go places I don't want to go, and so we haven't yet. I am afraid we will have to. But I don't think about that now. I am not very good at therapy, I have tried it before but always just ended up... stopping. Quitting is something I am very good at, and it feels amazing to do it. To feel free of ever having to see someone again, the stress release is great, but that is one of the major things that I'm working on right now. Not giving up on people. Or .. not giving in to the impulse to run, as fast as I can, in the opposite direction of change.

Change is a scary thing, you know?
Especially when you are Bipolar, and barely functioning.

But let's end this with some good.
I got a package in the mail! Who doesn't love those?